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About Us

S & T Vehicle Valuation Centre has been established as a licensed valuer (Registration No.LASL/V/087) with its registered office at No.88/A/2,Sunethradevi Rd, Kohuwala. We issue valuation reports in our centre & at your door step on your request by our mobile team for all types of motor vehicles, earth moving machineries, agriculture vehicles, Forklift and Backhoe loaders and many more of all establishments including commercial institutions, banks, government departments & Embassies at the best market rate. Our valuation team is headed by a well experienced professional who is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Automobile Engineers (F.I.A.E-SL), a Member of the Charted Institute of Logistics & Transport (M.C.I.LT-SL) and Member of the Institute of the Motor Industry (M.I.M.I-UK) having worked in the field of Automobile for many years. Alongside we also have a qualified, certified and licensed valuer –  B.Eng. (Hons) Automotive Eng. (UK) , Certified Automotive Engineer & Member –  Institute of the Motor Industry – (CAE- M.I.M.I- UK, Associate Member of Institute of Automotive Engineers – (A.M. I.A.E – SL) working for the company.  


We are pleased to inform you that we have upgraded our services by introducing a new facility for you in order to enhance the effectiveness of the vehicle valuation process. You can now log into our website stvehicle.lk and view your valuation report online by entering the chassis number. Whilst this being a significant value addition to our business process, it creates a high level of efficiency to the business as usual to your esteemed organization.


To be the best service provider in the field of vehicle valuation and to issue the most trusted and comprehensive report to the motoring public at large.


To enhance the quality of Vehicle Valuation reports in order to serve the customers and financial organizations with integrity and accountability to fulfill their requirements.

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